PowerPC Assembly Quick Reference Information
Simplified Mnemonics for PowerPC Assembly
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Simplified Mnemonics for PowerPC 555 Assembly | |||
Instruction |
Description |
Other Registers Altered |
Explanation of Operation |
add rD, rA, rB | Add | CR0 (LT, GT, EQ, SO) | rD ¬ rA + rB |
addi rD, rA, value | Add immediate | None | rD ¬ rA + value |
addis rD, rA, value | Add immediate shifted left by 16 bits | None | rD ¬ rA + (value << 16) |
and rA, rS, rB | AND | None | rA ¬ rS & rB |
andi. rA, rS, value | AND Immediate | CR0 (LT, GT, EQ, SO) | rA ¬ rS & value |
andis. rA, rS, value | AND Immediate shifted left by 16 bits | CR0 (LT, GT, EQ, SO) | rA ¬ rS & (value << 16) |
b target_addr | Branch Always | None | Branch to target_addr |
ble target_addr | Branch if less than or equal to (LT or EQ flags of CR0 set) | None | Branch to target_addr if LT = 1 or EQ = 1 |
blt target_addr | Branch if less than (LT of CR0 set) | None | Branch to target_addr if LT = 1 |
beq target_addr | Branch if equal (EQ of CR0 set) | None | Branch to target_addr if EQ = 1 |
bge target_addr | Branch if greater than or equal to (GT or EQ of CR0 set) | None | Branch to target_addr if GT = 1 or EQ = 1 |
bgt target_addr | Branch if greater than (GT of CR0 set) | None | Branch to target_addr if GT = 1 |
blr target_addr | Branch to LR (Link Register) | None | Branch and link to target_addr |
bne target_addr | Branch if not equal (EQ of CR0 not set) | None | Branch to target_addr if EQ = 0 |
cmpw rA, rB | Compare Word | CR0 (LT, GT, EQ, SO) | rA - rB |
cmpwi rA, value | Compare Word Immediate | CR0 (LT, GT, EQ, SO) | rA - value |
la rD, label | Load Address based upon offset value | None | rD ¬ label |
lbz rD, d(rA) | Load Byte and Zero | None | rD ¬ m[rA + d] |
lbzx rD, rA, rB | Load Byte and Zero Indexed | None | rD ¬ m[rA + rB] |
lhz rD, d(rA) | Load Half Word and Zero | None | rD ¬ M[rA +d]15..0 |
lhzx rD, rA, rB | Load Half Word and Zero Indexed | None | rD ¬ M[rA +rB]15..0 |
li rA, value | Load immediate | None | rA ¬ value |
lis rA, value | Load immediate shifted left by 16 bits | None | rA ¬ (value << 16) |
lwz rD, d(rA) | Load Word and Zero | None | rD ¬ M[rA + d] |
lwzx rD, rA, rB | Load Word and Zero Indexed | None | rD ¬ M[rA + rB] |
mr rA, rS | Move Register | None | rA ¬ rS |
not rA, rS | Complement Register (invert) | None | rA ¬ ~rS |
ori rA, rS, value | OR Immediate | None | rA ¬ rS | value |
oris rA, rS, value | OR Immediate shifted left by 16 bits | None | rA ¬ rS | (value << 16) |
slwi rA, rS, value | Shift Left Immediate | None | rA ¬ (rS << value) |
srwi rA, rS, value | Shift Right Immediate | None | rA ¬ (rS >> value) |
stb rS, d(rA) | Store Byte | None | m[rA + d] ¬ rS7..0 |
stbx rS, rA, rB | Store Byte Indexed | None | m[rA + rB] ¬ rS7..0 |
sth rS, d(rA) | Store Half Word | None | M[rA + d]15..0 ¬ rS15..0 |
sthx rS, rA, rB | Store Half Word Indexed | None | M[rA + rB]15..0 ¬ rS15..0 |
stw rS, d(rA) | Store Word | None | M[rA + d] ¬ rS |
stwx rS, rA, rB | Store Word Indexed | None | M[rA + rB] ¬ rS |
sub rD, rA, rB | Subtract | None | rD ¬ rA - rB |
subi rD, rA, value | Subtract Immediate | None | rD ¬ rA - value |
subis rD, rA, value | Subtract Immediate shifted left by 16 bits | None | rD ¬ rA - (value << 16) |
M[i] - refers to the contents of the word of memory
beginning at location i.
m[i] - refers to the contents of the byte of memory
beginning at location i.
7..0 - subscripts indicate bit positions (with 0
being the least significant bit)
Given the following memory dump:
0x00001000 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD
0x00001008 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
Given these values:
r11 =
r12 = 0x00001002
IO_DIGITAL_INPUT_DIP_1 = 0x4000000B ;
variable defined in code, address of DIP Switch 1
lis r3, IO_DIGITAL_INPUT_DIP_1@h ; r3 = High-order 16 bits of address of DIP switch 1
r3 ¬ (IO_DIGITAL_INPUT_DIP1@h << 16) ; use @h to get the higher 16 bits
r3 ¬ (0x4000 << 16)
r3 = 0x40000000
ori r3, r3, IO_DIGITAL_INPUT_DIP_1@l ; r3 = r3 | Low-order 16 bits of address of DIP switch 1
r3 ¬ r3 | IO_DIGITAL_INPUT_DIP1@l ; use @l (lower case L) to get the lower 16 bits
r3 ¬ r3 | 0x000B
r3 ¬ 0x40000000 | 0x000B
r3 = 0x4000000B
li r7, 0 ; Load r7 with immediate value of 0 (signed 16-bit number)
r7 ¬
r7 = 0x0000
lbz r5, 0(r11) ; Load r5 with byte value at memory location (r11 + 0)
r5 ¬ m[d + rA]
r5 ¬ m[0 + r11]
r5 ¬ m[0 + 0x00001000]
r5 = 0x01
lwz r6, 0(r11) ; Load r6 with word value at memory location (r11 + 0)
r6 ¬ M[d + rA]
r6 ¬ M[0 + r11]
r6 ¬ M[0 + 0x00001000]
r6 = 0x0123
lbz r7, 2(r11) ; Load r7 with byte value at memory location (r11 + 2)
r7 ¬ m[d + rA]
r6 ¬ m[2 + r11]
r7 ¬ m[2 + 0x00001000]
r7 = 0x45
stb r5, 8(r11) ; Store byte from r5 into memory at (r11 + 8)
m[d + rA] ¬ r5
m[8 + 0x00001000] ¬ 0x01
m[0x00001008] = 0x01
0x1008 FF FF FF FF FF
0x1008 01 FF FF FF FF
- First, for CodeWarrior to be able to access your function you need the following line:
.function "MyFile", PPC_Start_Asm, PPC_End_Asm - PPC_Start_Asm
Where "MyFile" is the name of your file (without the extension), PPC_Start_Asm is a label at the beginning of your code, and PPC_End_Asm is a label at the end of your code. The "PPC_End_Asm - PPC_Start_Asm" portion tells CodeWarrior the size of your function in bytes (difference between end and beginning addresses).
- Next, tell the compiler that the following section is your assembly code and not something else. Put .text at the start of your assembly function:
- Finally, put a label for the beginning of your program, following the label for PPC_Start_Asm:
Both PPC_Start_Asm and MyFunction will contain the same address.
Here is a complete example of a simple program:
.include "defines.h"
.function "MyFile", PPC_Start_Asm, PPC_End_Asm - PPC_Start_Asm
; To Do: place your assembly code here
.import My_Function
; your other code
; call to My_Function subroutine
bl My_Function
; more codeIn “Other_File.asm”
.export My_Function
;your My_Function code
blr ; return to MainSource file