/// Simple 'Hello, world' program /** * This program prints "Hello, world" to the LCD screen * @author Chad Nelson * @date 06/26/2012 * * updated: phjones 9/3/2019 * Describtion: Added timer_init call, and including Timer.h */ #include "Timer.h" #include "lcd.h" int main (void) { timer_init(); // Initialize Timer, needed before any LCD screen fucntions can be called // and enables time functions (e.g. timer_waitMillis) lcd_init(); // Initialize the the LCD screen. This also clears the screen. // Clear the LCD screen and print "Hello, world" on the LCD lcd_printf("Hello, world"); // lcd_puts("Hello, world");// Replace lcd_printf with lcd_puts // step through in debug mode // and explain to TA how it // works // NOTE: It is recommended that you use only lcd_init(), lcd_printf(), lcd_putc, and lcd_puts from lcd.h. // NOTE: For time fuctions see Timer.h return 0; }