Iowa State University

CPRE 288 Laboratory

Lab 7: Simple Mission (Refinement/Extension)

In this lab you will 1) refine your Simple Mission embedded application's ability to detect and localize objects, 2) allow toggling between autonomous and manual navigation mode, 3) avoid short objects as you identify and navigate to the smallest width object in the test-field, and 4) integrate your own UART functionality into the Simple Mission embedded application.




Reference Files


Lab 7 Description

  • Lab 7 Manual: A detailed description of the objectives to complete for Lab 7


Turn the power to the Cerebot board and iRobot off before charging. The Cerebot board consumes power and the battery will not charge if the robot is in full_mode (which it enters after calling oi_init, turing the power LED yellow). The robot is charging when the robot's power LED is pulsing red and both green LEDS on the dock are lit.

Reference Files

Files Description
Tiva TM4C123GH6P datasheet.pdf Information about the TM4C123GH6P
Documentation on printf Documentation for the lprintf and printf function.