# Author: Phillip Jones # Date: 08/19/2022, updated 05/25/2023, updated 07/13/2023, updated 07/16/2023 # Description: Simple client starter code for collecting data from the cybot. Using the UART or # Network socket interfaced to either a mock CyBot server, or the actual CyBot # General Python tutorials (W3schools): https://www.w3schools.com/python/ # Serial library: https://pyserial.readthedocs.io/en/latest/shortintro.html import serial import time # Time library # Socket library: https://realpython.com/python-sockets/ # See: Background, Socket API Overview, and TCP Sockets import socket import os # import function for finding absolute path to this python script # A little python magic to make it more convient for you to adjust where you want the data file to live # Link for more info: https://towardsthecloud.com/get-relative-path-python absolute_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Absoult path to this python script relative_path = "./" # Path to sensor data file relative to this python script (./ means data file is in the same directory as this python script) full_path = os.path.join(absolute_path, relative_path) # Full path to sensor data file filename = 'sensor-scan.txt' # Name of file you want to store sensor data from your sensor scan command # Choose to create either a UART or TCP port socket to communicate with Cybot (Not both!!) # UART BEGIN #cybot = serial.Serial('COM100', 115200) # UART (Make sure you are using the correct COM port and Baud rate!!) # UART END # TCP Socket BEGIN (See Echo Client example): https://realpython.com/python-sockets/#echo-client-and-server HOST = "" # The server's hostname or IP address PORT = 65432 # The port used by the server cybot_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Create a socket object cybot_socket.connect((HOST, PORT)) # Connect to the socket (Note: Server must first be running) cybot = cybot_socket.makefile("rbw", buffering=0) # makefile creates a file object out of a socket: https://pythontic.com/modules/socket/makefile # TCP Socket END # Send some text: Either 1) Choose "Hello" or 2) have the user enter text to send send_message = "Hello\n" # 1) Hard code message to "Hello", or # send_message = input("Enter a message:") + '\n' # 2) Have user enter text cybot.write(send_message.encode()) # Convert String to bytes (i.e., encode), and send data to the server print("Sent to server: " + send_message) # Send messges to server until user sends "quit" while send_message != 'quit\n': # Check if a sensor scan command has been sent if (send_message == "M\n") or (send_message == "m\n"): print("Requested Sensor scan from Cybot:\n") rx_message = bytearray(1) # Initialize a byte array # Create or overwrite existing sensor scan data file file_object = open(full_path + filename,'w') # Open the file: file_object is just a variable for the file "handler" returned by open() while (rx_message.decode() != "END\n"): # Collect sensor data until "END" recieved rx_message = cybot.readline() # Wait for sensor response, readline expects message to end with "\n" file_object.write(rx_message.decode()) # Write a line of sensor data to the file print(rx_message.decode()) # Convert message from bytes to String (i.e., decode), then print file_object.close() # Important to close file once you are done with it!! else: print("Waiting for server reply\n") rx_message = cybot.readline() # Wait for a message, readline expects message to end with "\n" print("Got a message from server: " + rx_message.decode() + "\n") # Convert message from bytes to String (i.e., decode) send_message = input("Enter a message (enter quit to exit):") + '\n' # Enter next message to send to server cybot.write(send_message.encode()) # Convert String to bytes (i.e., encode), and send data to the server print("Client exiting, and closing file descriptor, and/or network socket\n") time.sleep(2) # Sleep for 2 seconds cybot.close() # Close file object associated with the socket or UART #cybot_socket.close() # Close the socket (NOTE: comment out if using UART interface, only use for network socket option)