# Author: Phillip Jones (phjones@iastate.edu) # Date: 07/12/2023 # Description: Simple "Echo" server, or "Chat" server example # General Python tutorials (W3schools): https://www.w3schools.com/python/ # Time library (e.g. sleep(), https://realpython.com/python-time-module/) import time # Socket library: https://realpython.com/python-sockets/ # See: Background, Socket API Overview, and TCP Sockets import socket # TCP Socket BEGIN HOST = "" # Standard loopback interface IP address (localhost) PORT = 65432 # Port to listen on (non-privileged ports are > 1023) print("Creating Socket object ") cybot_server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Create a socket object print("Binding socket object to Host: " + HOST + " and Port: " + str(PORT) ) cybot_server_socket.bind((HOST, PORT)) # Bind server to a host and port print("Listening for a client to connect") cybot_server_socket.listen() # Listen for a client to connect to this server conn, addr = cybot_server_socket.accept() # Accept a client request to connect to this server, and create a connection print("Socket Connection from: " + str(addr)) # Display address of client that just connected # TCP Socket END while True: # Loop recieving/sending data from/to client until client disconnects, or error causes data to be 0 (i.e., no data) try: # Receive data from client. data = conn.recv(1024) # Recieve byte array, will not accept a data packet greater than 1024 bytes except socket.error as msg: # Client has disconnected, or there has been some type of error while recv waits for data print("Connection closed: " + str(msg) + "\n") break print("Recieved from client: " + data.decode()) # Convert message from bytes to String (i.e., decode), then print data_to_client = data.decode() # Echo Server: option for echoing data back to client, or #data_to_client = input('Enter data to sent to the cliet -> ') + '\n' # Chat Server: option for interactively choosing what data to send to the client conn.send(data_to_client.encode()) # Convert String to bytes (i.e., encode), and send data to the client print("Sent to client:" + data_to_client) print("Server exiting\n") time.sleep(3) # Sleep for 3 seconds conn.close() # close the Socket connection