Iowa State University

CPRE 388: Embedded Systems II: Mobile Platforms

Labs – Location Coover 1041

IMPORTANT: All students must read, print and sign the lab safety form posted on Canvas. Your lab section TA will collect the signed form before allowing students to start the first lab session.

Unless stated otherwise, there will be a 2 hour lab every week. The labs will be graded, and they are an essential component of this class. Lab attendance is MANDATORY. You MUST attend ALL labs to receive a passing grade. Missing a lab with no prior excuse will result in 0 credit for the lab and subsequently, failing the course.

There are 3 lab sections:
Section B: Thursday, 2:10 PM - 4:00 PM
Section C: Thursday, 4:10 PM - 6:00 PM
Section D: Friday, 12:10 PM - 2.00 PM

Seating capacity in the lab is limited so attend ONLY the section for which you are registered. Switching sections is not allowed and no lab credit will be given for switching sections.

Lab Manuals

Go to Canvas to view the lab manuals.