The MP-4 hardware is currently in progress.
Camera Feeds:
Module Infrmation/Default Pinouts:
Any notes in the station equipment list take precedance over specifications here.
MPU-9250 (12 in lab)
- SDA: JD1 (JD1_P)
- SCL: JD2 (JD1_N)
RF Board (3 + parts for more)
- PPM Signal from Zedboard: JA1
- RF Reset (active-low): JA2
- The board will not attempt to bind until it has a safe throttle level from PPM.
PmodUSBUART (4 in lab)
PmodRS232 (2 in lab)
- Re-wired with jumpers to have the pinout of PmodUSBUART for MP-4
- Reference Manual
Pmod Pinout (differential numbering)
Be careful to mind which side is pin1. The Vcc/gnd lines are a good way to check.
PmodMIC3 (6 in lab)
PmodMIC (1 in lab)
PmodTPH2 (>= 6 in lab)
PicoScope with Digital Probes (16ch + 2 analog)
We have 4 in lab
PicoScope without Digital Probes (2 analog)
We have 12 in lab
Quadcopter (many)
- A quad attached to a power supply. Must be bound to an RF board for use.
- The power supplies can be controlled as directed in the "Controllable Power Supply" section below.
USB Webcam
- Unless otherwise specified, this will be looking down at the board watching a quadcopter on a rotary stand.
Controllable Power Supply
- A power supply with a USB interface to the PC. Powers the quadcopter.
- Search for and select "pstoggle" from the start menu.
- Follow on-screen instructions.
Equipment By Station:
Station 4 (S2-C, S2-D)
- Picoscope Arbitrary Waveform Generator connected to Vp,Vn of XADC
- Picoscope probe channel A connected to Vp,Vn of XADC
Station 5 (S2-C, S2-D)
- Picoscope Arbitrary Waveform Generator connected to Vp,Vn of XADC
- Picoscope probe channel A connected to Vp,Vn of XADC
Station 7 (S2-E)
- USB Webcam
- MP-2 Camera + Launcher
Station 10 (S1-E)
- Board 1
- Zedboard on Xilinx Platform Cable
- MP-2 Camera + Launcher
- pmodUSBUART on JC7-JC12 of not yet installed
- Board 2
- Zedboard on USB JTAG interface
- MP-2 Camera + Launcher
- pmodUSBUART (COM1) on JC7-JC12 not yet installed
Station 13 (S2-B)
- MP-2 Camera + Launcher
- PmodMIC on JB7-12
- USB Webcam
Station 14 (S3-A, S3-B)
- PmodMIC3 on JA7-12
- PmodMIC3 on JB7-12
- PmodMIC3 on JC7-12
- USB Webcam
Station 15 (S3-A, S3-B)
- PmodMIC3 on JA7-12
- PmodMIC3 on JB7-12
- PmodMIC3 on JC7-12
Station 16 (S1-D)
- USB Webcam