CprE 288 - Embedded Systems
Datasheets & Manuals
- Tiva TM4C123GH6PM Datasheet
- Tiva TM4C123GH6PM Device Register Names (Quick Look up)
- Datasheet Errata
- CPRE 288 Datasheet Trainer
- ARM Instruction Set Summary
- TivaWare Peripheral Driver Library User's Guide
- (Thumb-2SupplementReferenceManual) ARM Instruction Set Manual
- (IHI0042F_aapcs) ARM Procedure Call Standard
- Cybot Baseboard
- Cybot LCD Board
- LCD Controller Datasheet
- iRobot Create 2 - Open Interface
- Shaft Encoder Datasheet
- Stepper Motor Datasheet
- Stepper Motor Product Sheet
- iRobot BAM
- IR Sensor Datasheet
- PING Sensor Datasheet
- Servo Datasheet
Lab Libraries
- cyBot_Scan.h: Header for pre-compiled sensor scanning
- libcybotScan.lib: Pre-compiled Library for sensor scanning (Note: Must change extension from .txt to .lib after copying, Do not try to open file as it will corrupt the file causing a Linker error )
Interacting with Embedded Systems
- Polar Plot from Hard-coded Data:
- CyBot-Plot-Sensor-Scan-Hardcoded-Values.c: Starter Script (must rename from .c to .py)
- Polar Plot from File containing Mock Sensor Data:
- CyBot-Plot-Sensor-Scan-Values-From-File.c: Starter Script read sensor data from a file(must rename from .c to .py)
- mock-cybot-sensor-scan.txt: Mock Sensor data
- Simple Client/Server Socket Starter Code:
- simple-Socket-or-UART-client.c: Simple Client Socket starter code (must rename from .c to .py)
- simple-mock-Cybot-Socket-server.c: Simple Server Socket starter code(must rename from .c to .py)
- Simple-CyBot-echo.c: A simple Cybot C program that can communicate with the Simple Client Socket Starter code
- Simple Mock Sensor Client/Server Starter Code:
- simple-sensor-Socket-or-UART-client.c: Simple Mock Sensor Client Socket starter code (must rename from .c to .py)
- simple-sensor-mock-Cybot-Socket-server.c: Simple Mock Sensor Server Socket starter code(must rename from .c to .py) (Reads mock sensor data from a file to send to the Client for testing)
- mock-cybot-sensor-scan.txt: Mock Sensor data used by Server for initial testing of the Client (Note: file ends with "END")
- Simple-CyBot-echo.c: A simple Cybot C program that can communicate with the Simple Client Socket Starter code
- Simple GUI Mock Sensor Client/Server Starter Code:
- simple-GUI-sensor-Socket-or-UART-client.c: Starter code that combines a simple GUI with the mock sensor client socket starter code (must rename from .c to .py)
- simple-sensor-mock-Cybot-Socket-server.c: Simple Mock Sensor Server Socket starter code(must rename from .c to .py) (Reads mock sensor data from a file to send to the Client for testing)
- mock-cybot-sensor-scan.txt: Mock Sensor data used by Server for initial testing of the Client (Note: file ends with "END")
- Simple-CyBot-echo.c: A simple Cybot C program that can communicate with the Simple Client Socket Starter code
Coming soon...Fun Sites
- Example file for loading songs to the iRobot
- Digilent - Low cost boards for Hobbyists and Students
- Sparkfun - Electronic Components for Hobbyists
- Mouser - Electronic Components for Industry
- Texas Instruments - Free Sample Program
- Texas Instruments - LaunchPad (MSP430)
Useful Sites
- avrfreaks.net - AVR Online Community
- AVR ATmega128 Documents
- The C Book
- Preprocessor Reading
- Atmel Interrupts
- Newbie's Guide to AVR Timers
Other Documents
- Mac Terminal Bluetooth "Screen" Option
- (doc1234) Mixing C and Assembly Code
- Combining C and Assembly Source Files
- (doc1493) Accessing 16-bit I/O Registers
- (doc2575) C Functions for Editing Flash Memory
- ATMega128 Starter Guide
- Beginners Introduction to the Assembly Language of ATMEL-AVR-Microprocessors